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#FictionFriday: Hufflepuff Horror

Welcome to  #FictionFriday, where we ask Yeovil College staff to share their thoughts, opinions and just plain random tastes in books.
Each staff member selects questions to answer from a finely honed and crafted selection, designed to entertain and educate us about their reading lives.

Today we're talking to Jon Margetts, who is one of our fantastic learning support practitioners. Jon's Hogwarts House is definitively Hufflepuff; Jon admits, "I did the Pottermore assessment TWICE because I was unhappy with being placed in Hufflepuff initially, and then got placed in Hufflepuff again. I have since accepted my fate." We think you're in good company with Newt Scamander and Nymphadora Tonks, Jon!

What's the first book you remember reading, or being read?

"My dad used to read me the Roald Dahl books out loud, so the first memory I have is probably of Matilda, or George's Marvellous Medicine. The first book I can remember reading myself was the novelization of Aquila. It was a television series on CBBC about some boys who find an ancient Roman spaceship. It was bizarre but the book was quite good!"

What is your favourite book of all time?

"It would be "The Stand" by Stephen King. I'm aware of all the criticisms leveled at King as a writer and, yes, they're all evident in this story. But he is first and foremost a masterful storyteller, and this tale has everything - apocalyptic viruses, a battle between good and evil, obligatory maniacs and memorable characters. Either that, or the Dark Tower saga, also by King."

Name one book or author that you really can't stand

"This probably won't win me many fans, but... whilst I admire her ability to spin a good yarn, I think JK Rowling is actually a very basic writer, and her prose is lacking. I wouldn't say I can't stand her - more that she is overrated. I do grudgingly admit that she is amazing at telling a strong narrative, though, and I wouldn't say no to a portion of her money."

 Which character in a book do you think is most like you?

"I asked the ladies in the department this question because I couldn't think of one myself, and immediately, without hesitation, I received the following three answers:

"Winnie the Pooh."
"Neville Longbottom."

So make of that what you will.

Personally I think I'm like Bilbo Baggins because I look like a hobbit."

Which book would you love to be in or live inside its world?

"I grew up reading "The Lord of the Rings" so I'd like to say Middle Earth, but the problem for me is that there's an awful lot of war and I'm not a big fan of conflict. (Ed's note - this is very Hufflepuff) I think I'd quite like to live in the world - or moreso, the galaxy - of James. A. Corey's "The Expanse" series. Being able to travel millions of lightyears in a few hours sounds quite appealing, as does living in a universe where even the poorest family can have their very own starship. But then again, there's an awful lot of war..."

Which literary character would you want to date, and why?

"Frannie Goldsmith from "The Stand". She's headstrong, but not offensively so, and she always strikes me as one of the more well-rounded characters in a book. She's not a damsel in distress but she isn't an invincible heroine either. She's just a human. She also has every character - both male and female - either longing to be with her or being hopelessly jealous of her, which suggests to me she;s probably quite lovely."

What's the most over-rated book?

" "Far From the Madding Crowd". I know I should adore Thomas Hardy due to his locality, but what on earth was that all about? I found it hard to like any of the characters and Bathsheba just does my head in - just make your mind up which man you want and stop playing games, for crying out loud! Maybe I'm being silly, but I just couldn't get into it at all!"

 What's your favourite book adaptation in film or TV?

 ""Children of Men" (based on the 1992 thriller by P.D. James). The book is very different to the film, but it truly is one of the few examples of a movie that not only does justice to the book, but actually surpasses those expectations. It creates such a grim and desperate dystopian world. With the political climate going the way it is, I can foresee some of the ideas this tale touches upon becoming true to life - I'm gutted that it doesn't get more recognition. There's a battle scene near the end that was filmed entirely in one take. World-class film making."

Would you read the book before watching an adaptation, and does it matter?

"I don't think it matters, but I would choose to read the adaptation first. Sometimes that spoils things, such as when I watched "The Dark Tower" movie this summer and was highly disappointed. Sometimes watching the adaptation first can be better, as it gives you a different insight when you read the book."

 Who is the best villain in a novel?

"I think Randall Flagg, AKA The Walkin' Dude from "The Stand" deserves an honourable mention. But for me, it has to be Annie Wilkes from Stephen King's "Misery" (I like him a lot, you've probably noticed). She's just so unhinged and creepy, and I'm sure many celebrities and famous writers have experienced the odd obsessive fan like that - she just takes it to a whole new level. The fact that she isn't outwardly evil, just mad, makes her all the more alarming as a character."

What's your favourite children's book?

""Little Beaver and the Echo" by Amy McDonald. A little beaver lives along, which makes him sad, until one day he thinks he hears another beaver calling to him. But is it an echo, or another beaver? Spoiler alert - it's both. I read and re-read that book hundreds of times, and I thought the whole premise was very clever. I am also an only child and sometimes was quite lonely when I was young, so this book worked as a lovely reminder that nobody needs to be - or is ever - truly alone."

What book would you recommend to someone else, and why?

""The Road" by Cormac McCarthy - and watch the movie, too. It is such a simple yet harrowing tale that has a huge beating heart underneath all the grim elements. It demonstrates both the worst and the best acts that humanity is capable of, alongside reinforcing the idea that a person always has a choice to do the right thing. I would urge everyone to read it."

 Who's your favourite cartoon character?

"I consider myself to be a bit of a cartoon character, to be honest. But I would say that my favourite cartoon character is Roadrunner, because why wouldn't he be? He constantly outsmarts the coyote that tries to eat him and he is also really fast. Meep Meep!"

 Who would play you in a film of your life?

"John Krasinski, who plays Jim Halpert in the US version of "The Office". He looks a bit like me, but he also just has the same mannerisms as me. The main hero's love interest would obviously be played by Gal Gadot because she is the most beautiful lady on the face of the Earth!"

If you were to describe yourself as a type of cake, what would it be?

 "A Bakewell tart. Simple but effective, with just enough decoration to be passable to the masses. Sounds just like me!"

Where is your favourite place to read?

"In bed, an hour or so before I go to sleep. Or first thing when I wake up, if I have time for a lie in. I try and read anywhere, though. I normally have a book on me, even if it's sitting in my bag at work and doesn't get opened at all!"

Thanks Jon! If you wish to defend JK Rowling's writerly credentials, you're also a huge Stephen King fan or you'd like to comment (nicely) below, log in with your Google account and join the conversation.
Alternatively, you can always tweet us at @YC_Reading using the hashtag #FictionFriday with what you think of today's choices!


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